Tuesday, January 5, 2010

GIVEAWAY @ Lisa Leonard designs


Meet Lisa Leonard!

You've gotta go see her wonderful stamped jewelry!
..so sweet and simple..something for everyone!
and guess what?
She's having a $75.00 giveaway!
Go to Traci's Beneath My Heart for details on how to enter!
hurry.. time is running out!
I would LOVE being the LUCKY winner..
but if not me..then YOU!
now GO..what are you waiting for?
warm hugs and GOOD LUCK!


  1. Oh..how I love her jewerly! I love the charms with the initials!
    sandy toe

  2. LOVE the LOVE charm!!

    Thanks for making me smile each and every day!
    I truly appreciate it ~~


  3. Thanks for stopping by Loui. How is the weather up there? My friends in California say it's like spring time.

  4. Loui, you are too sweet and too good to me. Thanks for this shout out about the giveaway, and thanks for voting for me to win the ticket to BlissDom. I am so blessed to know others like you!

  5. Thanks for visiting my blog Loui. BTW, my hometown is Pensacola also and I long for those beautiful beaches as well. Where I live now I am 45 minutes from the coast but we do manage to get down there every so often. I miss the beach so much because I grew up with sand in my toes too.

    Carolyn/A Southerners Notebook

  6. I'm too late for the giveaway, but these are really nice!


welcome to my world of salty sunkissed breezes..
where time is not measured..
linger leisurely..
sift sugary white sand between your toes..
Make and take those wonderful memories..
leaving behind..only your footprints...