Monday, September 6, 2010

Monday Colors..

MellowYellowMondayBadgeColor~~on Mondays

Happy Monday!
At this particular time of year, Yellow brings a lovely wildflower to mind..
especially as my eyes turn all watery and itchy..
yep..the beautiful goldenrod..
Growing wild along  roadsides, stream sides and even along the coast!

and speaking of eyes..
the most famous blue eyes of all..
Ole Blue Eyes himself..loved his voice ..and music!
but there was another  set of blue eyes I adored..
I can remember the furor he created on the Ed Sullivan show,
the cameras would only broadcast shots from the waist up!
none of his swiveling, gyrating hips!! But the eyes and the voice..
we teenyboppers were swooning,,and emulating those moves!!

and this was a favorite movie of mine...loved the scenery..and the music!
and to commemorate the blues...
how about a few beach shots  from Hawaii?
the famous Waikiki Beach..

and as the sun slowly sinks into the Pacific..
one last look at the blue eyes which instantly brings Hawaii to mind....

please join  these friends for more colorful Mondays..
Colors Monday (Blue)


  1. Ooo, you gave us a bunch of blue to drool over.

    Happy Blue Monday, Loui! Check out my book giveaway.

  2. Magnum PI oh be still my heart...he is so swoon worthy. hugs♥olive

  3. Love the "blue eyes" it's hard to decide which are my favorite but I'm leaning towards Elvis.

  4. Oh Loui! What a fun Blue Monday! And you added Tom in, too!! We loved watching his show!

    Hope your Labor Day weekend has been grand! I finally got my shop open, and have some time to visit my friends!
    Blessings and hugs to you!

  5. Oh Tom Selleck is such a dish!!!

    Thank you for sharing these!

  6. I'm a sucker for blue eyes...I married one.
    Have great week Loui! B-)

  7. That was really fun. Love all the colors, especially the blues, and everything they were on or in!

  8. My oh my what a hunky Monday. Thanks for sharing these....I almost forgot about Tom Sellec.

  9. Lots of gorgeous photos!!!!!!!


  10. OMG,Tom Seleck and those Hawaiian beach shots. My eyes are in overload heaven!! Tom, along with Sam Elliot, is one of my favorite male actors. Real men. Yup. I'm swooning right now. Had to ask Patrick Sam's last name. hehe. So, you know who my favorite guy of all is, right?! Have a wonderful week Miss Loui!!


welcome to my world of salty sunkissed breezes..
where time is not measured..
linger leisurely..
sift sugary white sand between your toes..
Make and take those wonderful memories..
leaving behind..only your footprints...