In achieving that goal, she is celebrating with a giveaway!
Here is NanaNor from Life Blessings with all the details
"Good Morning Friends;
Oh what a great day it is here in Colorado!
Firstly, it is just great to be alive and secondly I love summer.
Over a month ago, I mentioned that I was drawing close to my 1,000 post ..
would be having a giveaway.
Today is my 1,000 post!
Who would have thought I'd get hooked by the blogging bug?
And find a creative outlet for my love of writing ...
as well as finding a whole new group of friends-some international as well!
It truly amazes me of how quickly the years have flown by,..
how much I've learned from you all and how much fun I have here.
Initially, I started out just blogging for family members(especially our grands)..
so that they would have a journal of sorts as they grew older...
while getting to know hubby and me.
It has grown into a blog of many loves-,
my family, our dogs past and now our sweet Hunter,
my quilting, my exercise and my faith.
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welcome to my world of salty sunkissed breezes..
where time is not measured..
linger leisurely..
sift sugary white sand between your toes..
Make and take those wonderful memories..
leaving behind..only your footprints...