Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Wednesday thoughts..

Today just did not feel like December..much less  three weeks before Christmas!
with temps in the upper 70's, palm trees swaying in the balmy breeze..
even with Christmas music playing.. I could not get into my usual Christmas mode..
Instead..I was thinking about my sis Di..
her birthday is this weekend..
Our custom is to celebrate her birthday first as she was shortchanged as a child..
gifts were to be for your birthday AND Christmas..not seperately!
So Di..happy birthday..here's to the sweet memories..

altho she is younger and we are older,,
it still seems like we are kids..
we are so different..yet so alike..

Myself,David, and Di..they had just become a couple..
David and Di on their wedding day..1975..In the park..perfect setting!
Aaron,on his first birthday..her pride and joy!
All set for Halloween..such a great mom!
At Mardi Gras, New Orleans..
At 40, tap dancing..just because she wanted to!
fast forward many years..Di and me aboard her sailboat!
a favorite photo of Di, aboard her boat, at the helm!
Di and I playing tourist at Cape San Blas  lighthouse..
On a breezy evening at sundown.. playing in the surf!
In Colorado for Bran's wedding..
Hosting her famous Low Country Boil..everyone is always welcome!
I could go on and on..
with pictures and memories..
my baby sister, 
my best friend!
love you dearly..
always have.. 
always will..♥


  1. Just wonderful! You really did a nice job on these photos....love the one you made of her walking on the beach. Sure hope Di gets to see this beautiful tribute to her from your heart.

  2. Happy Birthday to Di! Wonderful pictures! You are so blessed to have a sister.....a forever Friend!

  3. Happy Birthday, Di ~ Wonderful photos of family memories ~ (A Creative Harbor) ~ artmusedog and Carol ^_^

  4. Well, happy birthday to sis! Loved the photos, especially the older ones - such fun to see.

  5. I love those old photos.

    My WW is kitchen remodeling and thick snow. Happy wordless Wednesday!

  6. OMG..louie!! that baby pic above of her son looks just like your grandbabe to me!! Exactly!!
    Happy B'day to her..and I feel her pain. My special day is right after xmas....never a real birthday in my past!! Now, I'm very glad of that...the less we think about those birthday numbers, the better!!!
    Great pics!!


welcome to my world of salty sunkissed breezes..
where time is not measured..
linger leisurely..
sift sugary white sand between your toes..
Make and take those wonderful memories..
leaving behind..only your footprints...