Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Lost Comments

fd2446bc.jpg Lost Missing Heartbroken image scruzer4ever

Dear Blogging friends..
Are any/all of you having the same problem as I am?
Lost Comments..
I click to publish them..
and somehow..
off they go into oblivion..
never to be seen again..
what are we to do?
sad hugs..


  1. I think everyone had trouble with this yesterday, but I kept trying to post mine until there were all finally posted. Very frustrating!

  2. The comment thing has been an issue for me here and there. Don't know what is going on with Blogger!! When you are done typing your comment copy it and then if you lose it you can paste it and try again. That's what I have done!
    Hope it helps! Happee Wednesday, Loui!


  3. I haven't had that particular problem but when I push the publish button on the comments Outlook Express says it can't do it. Thankfully they are still there when I go to the dashboard.

  4. I have had that problem, too. I need to check back to see if they finally went through.

  5. Yes, I've read several blogs who had the same problem and one of them posted today that they all magically reappeared the next day. Hope the same happens for you, I'm sure it will.

  6. That just happened to me! I hope yours come back!

  7. I had that yesterday too and I was so frustrated. It seems to be fixed today so keep trying and hopefully they will re-appear.

  8. I haven't had the problem of not being able to post comments. But I know others are having issues. I hope it's cleared up!

  9. I think it has been solved. I was getting frustrated as I am on holiday, the weather is freezing, and I just want to blog.

  10. OH, so that's what happened to them.

    I am going through a struggle with Blogger, making me sign in for every comment, such a pain!


  11. O thanks for coming by. I too love te sugary sands of Fla. I ave to say...if i could spend te summers here and the winter there...all would be right!!

  12. Hope it gets fixed soon! Sometimes my followers dissappear too. It gets annoying but then it just fixes itself. Arggghhh!


welcome to my world of salty sunkissed breezes..
where time is not measured..
linger leisurely..
sift sugary white sand between your toes..
Make and take those wonderful memories..
leaving behind..only your footprints...