is for ..so many many things..
most of you are expecting me to talk about my Cats..
or my Colorful flowers..
or the Canary Islands of Spain..
or Cousins..
or contemporary art and/or musical genres..
or we could discuss the myriad of Cleaning products..
or Colonial furnishing or even that bygone era..
or perhaps Cucumbers..or Cockle shells..
or maybe, just maybe.. my beloved Gulf Coast..
or even Calendars..
But no..
I'm going share Cherished Memories of Christmases past..
One of my most memorable as a child was the year I got my first bike..
I was probably seven as the youngest sibling had not yet been born...
We had been tucked into bed,Cousins were due to arrive sometime in the wee hours before daybreak..
The house was still and quiet when I awoke..and of course I was drawn to the tree, lights aglow. and so many presents under the tree..I opened a beautiful bride doll (a much desired item of the time) not before noticing my name was NOT on the package..I looked and discovered a doll not as pretty with my name on it..but the BIKE was mine! Determined , I mounted the bike and rode cautiously and hopefully quietly around the room.Upon trying to restore the bike to its proper resting place beside the tree, I knocked over both the bike and the tree..

which brought both my Mom and Dad in to see what the commotion was..I was spanked for my naughtiness and for waking the entire household! I was not allowed to ride the bike at all that day as punishment..but all the other kids did..and had a ball! my cousin felt sorry for me and let me "hold" her beautiful bride doll..even if i was sulking with my bottom lip poked out!
There were Christmases of leaner times when our gifts were homemade..but crafted with such love by our mom.We always had a Christmas Ham, boxes of fruit and nuts, and Daddy always made the best fudge.. and cakes..there was among the "gifts" the dreaded Fruit cake that somehow was the last to be eaten..But Daddy made Christmas special with hard peppermint candy..his version of egg nog (I do NOT drink this stuff) and we would gather around the little wooden radio to listen to Christmas music after having ridden around various wealthy neighborhoods to look at Christmas lights..later we were tucked into bed with the visions of presents dancing in our heads..
Fast forward to Christmases with my son..
From the beginning, we established the rule Christmas morning was for the three of us alone. this allowed us to experience our Child's wonderment of the tree, the gifts and the love of Mommy and Daddy. Grandparents were welcome to come in the afternoon to watch football, and to share in the Christmas dinner..( the Family affair was on Christmas Eve where gifts were exchanged..and everyone contributed a dish).
One year my sis in law and I stood in line to get a Marvel the Mustang galloping pony for our kids..only to discover on Christmas morning that the wheels on this would get stuck in the floor furnace grate..causing the child to fall off. It also wreaked havock on hardwood floors..
Marvel was soon put out to pasture never to be seen again...
Years later, while living in Spain, I had to return to the states for an emergency which turned into a funeral.
As sad as the event was, I did manage to pick up stateside items which could not be obtained in Spain. Our overseas shopping choices were limited to base exchange and catalog ordering. When I was returning to Spain,my flight from Atlanta to Miami was delayed in arriving,causing 16 of us to be left stranded in Miami. A young Spanish girl who was flying alone, clung to me for assistance. First she called her Dad who was a high level person with Aviaco, the Spanish airline which we were to have connected with..He told me to find a fight to London..which we did,and we both headed out without being stranded over Christmas.. Reaching London, I discovered my ticket would not let me go any further..again my young friend called Daddy..and he made a miracle happen for me..we were boarded and flew first class to Madrid where daddy met us..now I was 24 hours overdue, my family had not heard from me..but Daddy had called the base, spoke with my husband and was told when to pick me up!!! Still had to make the last leg of my flight..and no luggage..but Home I went.
Luggage was waiting at my final destination!! loaded it all into the car, and home we went to a surprise for me.. in my absence, a load of "American Christmas Trees" had arrived on base..and Keith bought one for me..He had decorated it himself..and called it a Charlie Brown Tree..
all that was needed was to add love..
To me.. the thought of the love that went into obtaining and decorating that sad, bare twigged tree was the true meaning of Christmas..the selfless giving to bring joy to another..
Over the years we've had some Christmases more beautiful than others..but when all the trimmings and trapping are removed, it is the LOVE in our hearts which make it truly Christmas.!
Here's wishing you and yours the merriest of Christmases yet!.
PS Santa..I've been
very very good this year........
now scoot on over to
Jen' Unglazed to C what others are cheering and cheezin about!