Frantic fraulien finds frisky felines fleeing frozen fields..
found flying friendly skies..
Feasible though..
Furbabies mine!.
..From the first fluffy furball which I conveniently "found" at a tender age and enticed to follow me home, cats have always held a deep fascination for me..
Perhaps it is their independent nature.. their unconditional love once you've been chosen as their designated human.
Each with it's distinct personality has brought so much joy and delight..and sometimes anger..to my life..
I can't stay angry for long though..each plays me to his own tune..

Cat Ballou..
.. came to me as a mass of horribly matted gray fur, huge green eyes..the most antisocial behavior..now with generous doses of love,plus a trip to the kitty parlor and a good trim..he's come into his own! He is generous with love and kitty kisses..always within sight of me..at nite, he has his place next to me.
..tiny longhaired Calico too was a rescue. Her previous owner dubbed her the cat from Hades,called me one morning and said I was told you might take this cat, otherwise, she goes to the pound! Of course, I accepted her sight unseen! I gave her a new name, a new collar, loads of love..discovered she has only one front fang..and dubbed her BeBe. She readily accepted me and has been MINE from day one.
She is the most independent, but the most obedient and loving of the three.
Again, she is always right next to me, wherever that happens to be. I've had her for 2 of her 3 years.
Bubba G..
..I have no idea how he came to be on my front porch a year ago on a frigid December day! opening the door to check the mailbox, a cardboard "banana box" was next to the door. When shoved aside as I opened the door, a faint meeoow was heard..I thought..oh no..not another cat!?
Brought the box into the laundry room..out jumped a full grown ORANGE male cat.! He hissed, bared his teeth, and growled! Quickly he disappeared behind the washer..Food and water as well as the litter box was there for him as I closed the door, leaving just a crack. The others were so curious..peeping in only to be met by angry hisses..after 24 hours, I said enough of this! I sat in the floor with a bag of catnip, sprinkled some on me and waited! Out came Bubba,rolled all over me and the catnip, purring and loving me..he has been tame ever since! He too has his antics, and sleeps on my other side..
He has never been accepting of a collar nor a harness. I think he probably was abused at sometime in his life, but whomever left him included a bag of food, two bowls and a toy in the box!
BeBe taught me early to put the leash and harness on her for outside forays in the grass! Ballou wants no part of being outside the safe confines of home..
All three are indoor cats who will sit for hours watching the squirrels..
All three have been neutered!
Please be kind to your pets..practice Spaying and Neutering!
Feline furbabies forever in my heart..now residing in Kitty Heaven
♥Peachy..April 29, .....................................................1993-April 5,2003♥
♥(no photos available at this time)♥
♥Bruiser Baby..May 5, 1996..........................................February 10,2008 ♥
flit,fly..flee..on over to Jen's Unglazed for more FUN with the letter F!