The incredible edible egg..
can be eaten and enjoyed in a variety of ways..
boiled and eaten right out of the shell,
or as Egg salad..
which forms the basis for a variety of dishes..
to which can be added, chicken, tuna or potatoes..
creating an entirely new dish!
fried..or scrambled yummy either way,
accompanied by Grits or Hash Browns
for breakfast fare..

and yes..Raw..
for a variety of"medicinal" reasons
and as in Egg Nog ,
(the liquor supposedly cooks the rawness?)
or in a Bloody Mary..
as a cure for morning after hangover..
baked..with cheeses and vegetables becomes Quiche.
Or baked with milk,creamy custards and Flan.
but the prettiest and most prized are as Easter Eggs..

hunting the golden Prize egg ..
while hoping for a Chocolate egg instead!
Everyone's a Foodie winner on Monday's
at Jen's Unglazed !
Bon Apetite!!!