in the time before malls,
and tattoos.
.weeird hair,
outrageous attire..
all became the norm rather than an exception..
Easter meant a new White dress,a bonnet and gloves and white patent shoes for Church..
these outfits were also worn when we went DOWNTOWN to shop on Saturdays..
no shorts allowed!.
summer attire meant white sandals and white, lightweight play clothes ..
sneakers were for when we went camping and fishing..
August,was a very busy month.
In addition to her summer picking,
canning and freezing of summer fruits and vegetables,
Mom spent a lot of time sewing our school clothes..
in preparation for school starting the Monday following Labor Day.
with four kids and a cousin in the mix,she had a job cut out for her..
one thing for sure, she could look at a pattern and improvise..
no two creations were ever the same..
all were beautifully finished..
all from heavier, more sturdy fabric which would hold up well for four growing kids..
which were sewn on her Singer treadle sewing machine..
as we became older, this same machine is where we learned to sew..
the summer whites were washed a final time and put away on Labor Day..
Am not sure where the tradition started..
perhaps back at the turn of the century...r
but I for one always enjoyed the coolness of the lighter weight fabrics..
remember,we kids played outdoors all day long..
in the heat and humidity of the South..
creeks and mudholes beckoned us one and all..
we also were allowed to play with the water hose..
often with Mom spraying us down ...
just to find us under the layers of sweat, dirt and mud.
occasionally though, as a special treat on Saturday afternoon..
Dad would load us up and off we'd go for something cool..
really cool!

no TV allowed during the day! usually a family affair after dinner....
these were the days long before air conditioning became a household staple..
most of our better dresses were of Eyelet, Pique,Searsucker,or Dotted Swiss..
everyday sundresses were of lightweight cotton..
winter brought heavier cottons as well as serge..
the boys wore cut off jeans that somehow had shrunk in length..
we rip and roared, all summer long..
laughing by day..
sleeping soundly by nite..
relatives came ,
went ..
and often camped in our back yard...

with the Labor Day Picnic finished..
we knew come that Monday morning..
It was time for school..
back to the books..
business as usual..
so long to another summer..
hope yours has been awesome!
White Wednesday
Outdoor Wednesday
Watery Wednesday..