So many shades of blue! The weekend has been a whirlwind of activity! My son Keith surprised us with an overnight visit! we watched an AUsome AUburn football victory.. On Sunday, my sis Di joined us for breakfast with her favorite nephew.. he had to leave noonish for his trip back home to Cocoa Beach.. he was more than ready to be heading back to warmer climes... ;) I then joined Di and her friends for a beachside birthday celebration where she was the honoree.. another fun filled fabulous event!
Followed by the most awesome sunset.. and now to put you into the Christmas's Bubba G!
Please Join Sally and the gang for another fun Blue Monday!
Monday, Monday... how do I love thee? Let me count the ways... You start my week right on time.. it's a get up with hubby..feed him..
send him out the door.. with a kiss and a wave.. You are MINE..all day long.. to do with as I choose..
Typically, I grab a second cuppa delicious yumminess.. plopping down in front of the computer.. First check the weather to see if it looks like what I see.. looking out the window works for me.. Next checking emails for important messages... then on to check in with the Sistahs.. then on to correspondence (snail mail variety).. by now, it's 3rd cuppa time.. finishing that.. shower dress.. and see what's on the dreaded yellow pad "to DO list" check the things I WANNA do, XXXXing out the don't wanna dos! then get busy.. On Mondays.. if have not prepared my Blog post beforehand.. I work on that while I am fresh and caffeinated.. so today is Blue Monday.. (I'm still in my BLUE pajamas and fuzzy BLUE slippers..) The last Monday of November.. The Monday before Thanksgiving.. and exactly one month til Christmas..
My day will be one of last minute errands.. (many retailers will be open on Thanksgiving.. I WILL NOT PARTICIPATE IN THIS IDIOCY OF GREED!) Thanksgiving is a FAMILY holiday..sharing being THANKful! I also believe in celebrating this holiday before moving on to Christmas.. so...enjoy this Blue Monday...! Joining Sally and the gang for Blue Monday.. see ya there!!! Blue Monday
yes,, today is My day.. but..once you've crossed the 50th mark.. your birthday holds way too much to celebrate on just one day.. celebrates every day the entire birth month! awesome idea!
My day started sweetly.. hubby was attired in a favorite BLEU shirt.. with RED tie.. made me smile!
especially when I sat down and joined him with my coffee.. a beautiful Birthday Card was waiting for me!!!. ( X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X !!!) ♥ After sending him off with a kiss.. here I sit, checking messages on email and facebook.. enjoying my final cup before tackling the tasks of Monday.. Once done..I'm free to cruise the beach with Nikon.. or..maybe I'll get an early start on my Christmas shopping.. but today is my day to enjoy...gonna do just that!
Starting with this awesome bracelet of sea treasures... Joining my friend Sally who is always smiling.. Blue Monday
With the most recent changes in our weather.. from scorchingly almost unberably hot and humid.. to reasonably seasonably tolerable.. I find myself outdoors more... whether enjoying morning cuppa on the patio.. or lunch alfresco when running errands.. or simply chasing butterflies with the Nikon.. contentedly perched wave watching at the beach.. BLUE skies..water..awesome shades of blues and greens!
I've missed and so looked forward to being outdoors... although NOT new home does have a lot of interesting things to enjoy....
Now that tourists numbers have dwindled, roadways are less crowded, making exploring easier for the locals.. Scenic 30-A is one of those favorites..offering secluded beaches between the quaint "towns" along the way.. a photographer's mecca..dreams come true here with the perfect light! Closer in are marinas with all types af water craft..
(courtesy margo Redd)
Here two sailboats are rafting up to enjoy a sunset toast.. Speaking of toasts and food, eateries to suit every taste can be found.. a favorite is the Whale's Tail.. All this fresh air has whetted my appetite.. think I'll go find something tasty!
Have been under the weather for the past week.. am actually beginning to feel HUMAN again.. the weather has been just delightful!..
As I sat on the patio watching the Gulf Fritallaries flitting about, could not help remembering past Autumns in Colorado. Across the street from my old home in Denver was the most glorious Maple tree which had been planted forty years prior when the house was first built. I watched the tree for the changing seasons. Here in Florida, even with the cooler weather, there really hasn't been much change.
My lawn is green.. Palm trees stay green all year do palmettos and pines.. the wild grape vines are beginning to have yellow leaves.. Goldenrod is blooming prolifically as are many other weeds.. hence the abundance of the butterflies tanking on nectar.. closer to the beach are golden sea oats.. October hurries Autumn in with parades of pumpkins.. colorful mums..
courtesy Google and halloweeny decorations..
But, I really miss Colorado when I see photos like these:
Makes me just wanna pick up that phone to make reservations.. I could be there cuddling my BIG boy Brax in under 5 hours.... have a delightful Sunday.. hug someone you love.. smile and the world smiles with you! Joining Seasonal Sunday at the Tablescaper do I love thee? Looking out my window, I see clearing skies.. touches of BLUE among the white cloud cover..
As you well know, the gulf coast had all eyes focused on Hurricane Karen..which was supposed to make landfall on Saturday.. however, with upper level drying winds, she basically lost the winds of her sails..and was downgraded to a wet messy tropical storm.. But not before allowing this beautiful dawn on Saturday morning.. what a glorious start to my day! Like everyone else in their right mind, I checked and replenished items in my "Hurricane Preparedness Pantry"..just in case! Bottled water keeps indefinitely,as do candles, checked the supply of Flashlight well as items such as manual can opener, knives, utensils, paper goods..also checked expiration dates on canned goods.. Then off I went, Nikon fully charged..list ready. The day was gorgeous!. stopped by my favorite weed patch to see the butterflies.. so hard to capture..
we zipped out to the beach.. to see the waves.. the surfers..
and Bikers..
everywhere.. Thunder Beach weekend..(an annual event) most were very courteous.. such beautiful Motorcycles..! filled my gas tank..always do this to be ready to evacuate.. stopped by the grocery store for bread and milk.. back to the beach for more pics..
by now..the sun was getting low... joined this group of sunset watchers...
for this....
back home.. just in time.. the rains came pouring down.. accompanied to the booms of thunder and flashing lightning... settled in for the nite.. toasty and secure..