As I sit here..reading blogs..catching up on the latest happenings in your worlds..
it was an intriguing thought..
how each of your names immediately bring forth an image..
uniquely given you by me..
take for instance..
immediately the image of PINK tropical flowers..
on the beach..
Plumeria or Frangipani..which she adores..
or Southern Laginappe..
Janie reminds me of the wonderful old southern charmer..
the beautiful yet delicate Magnolia..

so evocative of gracious, genteel Southerness..
Dorothy of Counting My Blessings./
Zinnias and butterflies..

and Becky from holiday in the sun..I think of Hibiscus.

reds , yellows, pinks ..all a colorful mix of fun, fiesta and frolic..
and Jen..from Muddy Boot Dreams..
I picture her in the mud with Sunflower yellow boots potting seedlings at the nursery..

or @ Blu oom, chilling with blue flowers of every description and shade in blue and white pots.

Then Smiling Sally enters my reverie with her love of all things blue..

and my dear sweet friend Kat.. all bubbly and sunshiny golden..
I think of sweet daisies with their summery attire of sun hats..
Kat is definitely a beach child and lover of sunshine..
and Red Rancullas immediately brings to mind Brenda.

so cheerful in her Cozy Little House extending the warmest of welcomes to all..
and we cannot forget Purple...

Irises remind me of .Barb at the Purple Goat Lady.
and DJ..Barrier Island Girl..
Knockout Roses for her Island home.. much like myself..

a beach lover, shell seeker..all things coastal

and of course Kat at Low Tide High style..
who introduced me to Hartwood Roses..

I know there are many I have not specifically mentioned..
but each of you bring so much laughter joy and color to my world..

Know my garden is rich beyond compare for the flowers of friendship you each bring!

warmest sandy hugs..