moderate temps.. slight breeze..
not quite as much humidity..
perfect for FINALLY getting my plants into the ground..

a word of warning..
be very careful in those flower beds..
due to super wet/flooding conditions..
many critters are seeking higher ground..
such as this fella who greeted the pest control man..
he was my front door greeter!

turned out to be a common garter snake..
probably only a few days old..
they are born live in batches of 50-100!
he was maybe 9 inches long and the diameter of a pencil!
he stood his ground, snapping at the camera flash..
he was relocated to the jungle across the road!
Please be careful while in those flower beds..
someone else may be lurking under the mulch!
enjoy your's beautiful here!

courtesy Ann Vaughan
Outdoor Wednesday
Wordless Wednesday