What a super week I've had!!
Thursday was my birthday!
65th! Still cannot believe it!
YAY..all those SENIOR discounts!!

(My dear sister of the Sea and heart, Margo, made these for me!)
I really don't feel a day over...
well I don't feel OLD..
you know..ANCIENT!
Yes.. I do have several problems..
arthritis for one..
that limits me at times in WHAT tasks I can perform..
My painting has gone by the wayside..
because my hands would cramp while holding the brushes..
BUT..my Nikon and Kodak have continued the journey..
of capturing my world and releasing my creativity from within..
Because the weather here was so awesome..
I've stayed away from the computer..
finding reasons to be outdoors..
savoring the awesome beauty of Autumn..
my last roses are open ..
I drink in the aroma..
After photographing the roses..
I wander along the banks of Cherry Creek..
delighting in the beautiful blue sky..
the yellow Aspens and Cottonwoods leaves bright in the afternoon sun..
I discover a milkweed pod..
bursting open.. ready to propel the silken seeds..
sending them soaring on the soft breeze..
I ,soaking the warmth, rejuvenate my soul..
I'm at peace..
am one with my God..
so thankful to be alive..
and living..
and the recipient of such bountiful blessings..
I return home..
My neighbor's apple tree..
provides such lovely blossoms and aroma in the spring..
produces an over-abundance of Golden Delicious apples in the fall..
and when ripe..the birds come pecking..and squawking..
at the squirrels..
and each other..
apples begin to rain...
MANY which fall into my yard!
I pick them up and toss into a pile..
where squirrels and crows/ravens enjoy..
this is excellent exercise for me..
and when that is done..
I retire to the patio with book in hand..
a glass of ever present Iced Tea..
and lose myself for a couple of hours between the pages..
and recall the wonder of a Golden Autumn Afternoon
Hope your week/weekend was equally delightful!
Please join these lovely hostesses for more fun!
Smiling Sally
Blue Monday
Drowsy Monkey
Mellow Yellow Monday
Mosaic Monday