Thursday, May 19, 2011


Dear friends..
I know I've been absent for over a week now..
That dratted Arthur Ritis reared his ugly head Into my life again..
His has been a royal PAIN in the Arse..
foot ..
and shoulder..
literally and figuratively..
I have been dealing with excruciating pain in my left hip joint..
(this turned out to be an acute Bursitis attack)...
It felt like a red hot boil ready to erupt!!
My physician injected the hip which has brought some relief..
down from the excruciating level ..
to the TOLERABLE level..
yesterday was X-rays..
today the results indicated normal degeneration.
but possibly an MRI to see if I have a disc problem in the lower back..
which could be radiating pain..
who knows?
what I do know..
My hip hurts continually during the waking hours..
and sleepless nites are becoming a norm for me..
 the damp, cold, rainy , dreariness has not helped my spirits in the least!
am now on Prednisone..again ..
which makes it tolerable..
I do NOT like being inactive..
nor being curtailed by this predator..
Today, am on my way out the door to visit a fitness center nearby..
which offers Silver Sneakers fitness program..
this program is one of my  "Wellness Benefits" from my insurance..
I really want to put the JOY of living back into my life..
by being able to move..
and doing what I do best :Photography!!
Will  update when I return!!
thanks for being so understanding..
I love you all!!
warmest sandy hugs..


  1. Oh my sister of the sea, you've been in more pain than me!!!!!

    I've never liked Arthur, he is a real pain. I started sleeping on one of those feather comforters to ease the pain in my hips. When I had Plantar's Faciistis, I started wearing those z-coil shoes and couldn't believe the relief they brought to my knees and hips. You might want to check them out, just google z-coil. They were a real miracle for me.

    I'm so sorry you've had to deal with this issue, but it sounds like you're staying active in your health, that Silver Sneakers sounds great!

    Let me know how it goes, you know where I am. Love you sis. Hugs

  2. So sorry you are having this terrible pain! I guess Arthur catches up with most of us sooner or later. So far, I've escaped, but any day now he's likely to find me. Feel better soon. ♥ ♥ ♥

  3. Nasty Arthur, hope that he gets kicked out soon. So sorry to hear that he is hanging around, and looking forward to seeing you when you feel better.

    Very gentle hugs to you.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  4. The old saying "getting older isn't for sissies" is so true! I've had a few problems lately with my right hip, my right knee and headaches and backaches. Yikes! Right now all is okay. I hope things calm down for you too.



welcome to my world of salty sunkissed breezes..
where time is not measured..
linger leisurely..
sift sugary white sand between your toes..
Make and take those wonderful memories..
leaving behind..only your footprints...