Lots of wonders today..
you can just imagine my delight at seeing these in my inbox this morning!
My precious Brax is eight months old today..
his mommy says he is trying to talk..
says a lot of mamamamama and dadadada's..
has begun to wave bye-bye..
when not chewing on his fingers from teething!
and loves to rock back and forth on all fours..
Mostly tho, she says he is simply a happy little fella..
They are truly blessed having him in their lives..
I could not agree more!
I miss him terribly!
My friend Margo sent these gorgeous photos of the beach..
We both enjoy exploring the coastal areas which are very diverse...
This is an inland FRESHwater lake..
just a short distance from the sandy beach and salty Gulf of Mexico!

..in vegetation..as well as the critters who frequent them..
such as the Gulf Fritillary Butterfly on the coastal Yellow Buttons.
our beautiful Gulf of Mexico's Emerald waters on a cloudy day..
now back to the regularly scheduled parties happening around Blogland!
White Wednesday
Outdoors Wednesday
Wordless Wednesday