here it is Monday already...what a week almost!

Spent Thursday nite with my friend Vickie..
the owner of my favorite shop in Pensacola " Once upon a Time"..
arrived early afternoon for late lunch and so enjoyed working with her in the shop..
At 5 pm, closing time.. followed her home to Gulf Breeze..
relaxed on the patio to this awesome view..
Friday morning zipped across town , all the way out to Perdido Key to meet up with my Redneck Riveria chapter of Wonderful Wacky Women.. our illustrious leader Suzy Toronto..
meeting at the Shops of Villagio to board the FloraBama bus..
Heading to Lucy Buffett's place..
Destination LuLu's at Homeport Marina..
Destination LuLu's at Homeport Marina..
The place was everything I'd ever heard..and more!
Food..deliciousness..check! ***** 5stars!
service! ***** 5 stars again..
anything and everything..all positive..
nothing negative at all..
well only just a tiny exception.. Lucy wasn't in house..
sent her regrets..but..she was in PARIS FRANCE ,
touring with her brother....Jimmy..
who could be mad? not us!!
after a fun day there.. returned back to our vehicles..
on my way, I stopped by the Perdido Key Visitor's Center/Chamber of Commerce to see a sculpture of a jelly fish by my friend Lyn Gentry.. Hotsands Glass artworks... so talented!!
Had heard so much about this particular piece..seeing is believing!see for yourself!

Clicked a few shots of the beautiful Gulf of Mexico..drug my toes through the sand..said prayers for Mah Sistahs.. tossed sparklies everywhere...
Back on the road again.. heading to my friend and former neighbor Becky's place ..right next door to where I USED to live..
Remember the sunsets and sunrises?
They are still just as awesome as always..
We all were tired after a delicious grilled dinner and desserts.. crashed early.. slept like a baby!
Saturday morning.. up early, Becky had the coffee ready..
hugs, smiles and I was out the door and on the road by 7ish!
So many runners/walkers... and I was fortunate to be included in the group as a volunteer photographer!!!..

The participants were exhuberant and excited!
Suzy T and Jimmie Sue were ready to get the race started!
to be continued....
Mosaic Monday
Blue Monday
Outdoors Wednesday
Wordless Wednesday