with so much on my agenda, I'm having great difficulty in actually accomplishing much of anything! Perhaps it is the Domino Effect.. where each step of a project is contingent upon either the one before it..or the next one on the list.. one glitch and all goes haywire!
Then in frustration, I take a break..grabbing another cup of coffee..which lingers much too long..
For example..it all started with the computer..and an e-mail from a dear friend..up in Maine..she sent the following pics..
and I simply drooled..
well after the first one..
see for yourself!
Her Place..look at that GLORIOUS sunrise..isn't it simply magnificent?and to imagine..she sees it 2 hours before I do!
Then she had the audacity to share vacation pics in the same e-mail..
I've seen peacocks many times..but this fella against such a vivid green backdrop..let's just say I am so hungry for color!
this truly fits the bill as a sight for sore eyes!
These waters are beautiful with iridescent blues and greens..everchanging..depending on the time of day..and light from above. They sleep aboard as well as sail frequently on the boat pictured..(envy..BEGONE!)
Bouganvilla..always a favorite in the tropics,look at the yellowish centers..I can just FEEL the warm sunshine from above..
Have you EVER seen such a DRAMATIC Hibiscus? I haven't. At least not yet!.
How about the sunshiny delight of this awesome yellow hibiscus? love it!!
A nice warm tropical sunset there...
and here ..as I stare out the window seeing bare limbs on the trees of my wintery home ..seeing the Cheshire Cat moon smiling back at me.. promising soon..daffodils and tulips will be shouting bright, cheery colorful welcome hellos to Spring!
okay..break time over..
back to the tasks at hand..
as usual..my coffee is now COLD!...
check out the happenings in their colorful worlds with these delightful folks!
Blue Monday
Mellow Yellow Monday